Our Bunting Banner
New Banner - 2021
The summer challenge for 2019 was to create flags for our new banner. The response was quite outstanding; we received over 25 completed pennants. The next task was to assemble them into a banner. Jayne embroidered the name of the embroiderer on the backing for each flag and then members of the executive stitched the backs to the embroidered piece. Mike then assembled the flags into a string. Below are some close-up photos of two pennants, followed by the completed string.
Thanks to Mike for his vision for this project and thanks to all who participated.
The post below is the original instruction for the summer challenge.
Summer Stitching Challenge 2019
OVGS Summer Bunting Challenge 2019.
The OVGS Executive is asking all Guild members to take part in stitching a bunting flag (or three) to create an attractive display that will be visible from a distance for our visits to Fiberfest and other activities when we promote the Guild.
To take part you can obtain either plainweave or counted fabric from the executive along with the triangle outline to use to create the borders of your bunting. If you choose to provide your own fabric it must be white. We would like the backgrounds to appear all the same colour to better show off all the stitching. No Ivory, ecru, antique white etc.
Use your favorite cross stitch pattern or pattern element. Surface embroidery or whatever you choose. Many attractive bunting flags have been created by appliquéing things like ric-rac with very basic stitching for the embroidery. Remember this will be seen from a distance.
Instructions for the outline:
For surface embroidery just trace the outline with a washable pen using the template provided.
For those who want to make a counted work bunting using Aida, linen or evenweave.
This works best if you do it on a frame or hoop with the fabric reasonably taut.
Begin by using sewing thread to create a horizontal line of running stitches that is exactly 14 cm long. This will be the top edge of your bunting piece. Find the midpoint on the line at 7 cm and measure downwards 19.6 cm. Place a pin at that point. This marks the bottom point. Use 2 long pieces of masking tape to connect the ends of the top line to the point of your pin. Finally with your thread make a long stitch couching down at regular intervals from one end of the horizontal line to the bottom. Do the same on the opposite end. Now you have your dimensions and can stitch any pattern you wish inside it.
We ask everyone to hand in their completed flags uncut and unfinished with all embroidery completed. The executive will look after the finishing once we have sufficient flags to create a full streamer of them. The printable outline is below.