Marian Parry Scholarship


The Ottawa Valley Guild of Stitchery offers an education scholarship named in honour of the late Marian Parry, one of the founding members of the Guild and its first president. The MarianParry Education Scholarship is aimed at promoting the art of embroidery through education and is offered to all OVGS members in good standing.

  • The yearly scholarship has an approximate value of $425 to be awarded as two grants, one grant of $300 and another of up to $125. The grant may be divided amongst applicants in any given year. Scholarship grants must be used within the same membership year as awarded.
  • The $300 grant may be applied toward registration for an Embroiderers’ Association of Canada (EAC) Seminar workshop.
  • The grant of up to $125 may be applied towards an EAC correspondence course or an OVGS programme or workshop class.
  • Applications must be submitted to the Scholarship Committee by the date indicated below. The successful applicants will be determined by the Selection Committee and approved by the Executive.


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Successful applicants will be required to share their experience with other members of the Guild by giving a short presentation (this could be at “show and tell”) or writing an article for the OVGS website at a time to be agreed upon with the Guild executive.  NOTE: The required report on the seminar and the submission, (i.e., a paper or report) will be submitted to the Chairperson of the Award Committee for forwarding to the Executive before publishing on the OVGS website.  Members who have logged in can view reports written by former members on our Scholarship Reports page.

Find out more!  Marian Parry Scholarship Brochure


Have a look at the EAC Seminar website!  Seminar 2025 - Stitching under the Arch

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